i've been cleaning up my hard drive for the eventual reformat that's coming soon. it's the best way to keep a computer running smooth. start from scratch, and if your running a windows machine, scrape scratch down about 50%, and you're good.
one thing that needs to be back up is photos. i've been accumulating them much quicker now that i have a digital camera, and most are just sitting in one directory with nothing more than a serial number for a name. i've started putting them into directories by months or events when they were taken, and i've made progress. but i've found a few that i thought i should post. here goes:

the sun setting in alaska behind some trees scarred by fire.

a peacock from my local aviary.

festus doing what he loves best: sticking his head out a car window.
one thing that needs to be back up is photos. i've been accumulating them much quicker now that i have a digital camera, and most are just sitting in one directory with nothing more than a serial number for a name. i've started putting them into directories by months or events when they were taken, and i've made progress. but i've found a few that i thought i should post. here goes:

the sun setting in alaska behind some trees scarred by fire.

a peacock from my local aviary.

festus doing what he loves best: sticking his head out a car window.
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